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Exploring the Potential of AI in Business

Many customers in various sectors, including government and commercial industries, are actively exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and even implementing AI-related projects within their departments.

Support If You Employ Someone With a Disability

The Health & Work Support Branch (HWSB), which is part of the Department for Communities (DfC), can provide you with specialist support to help you recruit and retain workers with disabilities.

Hospitality Wellbeing and Development Promise

Hospitality and tourism businesses in Northern Ireland are being encouraged to sign up to a new industry standard for staff to help employers to meet the challenges of attracting and retaining workers in these industries.

ICO Call For Views on Content Moderation

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is calling for views to support the development of guidance on how data protection law applies to online content moderation processes

Farming Futures Environmental Resilience

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) is investing up to £12.5 million in innovation projects through the Farming Innovation Programme, which is a partnership with UKRI’s Transforming Food Production Challenge and delivered by Innovate UK.

Place10X – A Sub-Regional Economic Approach – Call For Evidence

The Department for the Economy (DfE) through its 10X economic vision plans to create a pathway to transform the Northern Ireland economy innovatively, inclusively, and sustainably at a regional level. This is a long-term plan where NI will become one of the top-performing small, advanced economies in the world.

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