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Consultation | 10X Economy Approach to Technologies and Clusters

The 10X Economic Vision, published in May 2021, highlighted the need to focus on technologies and unique selling points (USPs) within priority/high potential sectors, in which Northern Ireland has established strengths and the potential to be globally competitive if not already.

Latest HMRC Tax Webinars

Listed are a number of live HMRC webinars that will give the self-employed an understanding of key taxes that affect them and also help employers with payroll. The webinars are free and last around an hour.

Hybrid Working | Event to Explore Its Future Use

The Labour Relations Agency, in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Northern Ireland (CIPD NI), is hosting a webinar to take stock of the human resources profession’s experience of hybrid working to date.

NI Apprenticeship Awards 2024

The Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Awards recognise apprentices, their mentors, employers and training organisations who have demonstrated exceptional progress as well as personal achievement and commitment.

Latest HMRC Tax Webinars

Listed below are a number of live HMRC webinars that will give the self-employed an understanding of key taxes that affect them and also help employers with payroll. The webinars are free and last around an hour.

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