NI Business Demography Statistics 2022

The latest Northern Ireland Business Demography statistics were released last month by NISRA. The bulletin, including interactive charts, can be accessed on the on the NISRA website.
New e-Learning Platform For Tourism Businesses

Tourism NI has launched an online learning platform specially developed to support the Northern Ireland tourism industry.
Co Tyrone Siblings Set Up Business Delivering ‘Home Comforts’ Across The Globe

A brother and sister duo from Co Tyrone have launched a new food and drink business, delivering a taste of home to Irish immigrants around the world.
New UK Code of Practice For Music Streaming

The Code is a significant point in the commitment of the UK music industry to improve transparency around licensing and royalties related to music streaming.
Responsible Business Awards in Northern Ireland 2024

Business in the Community’s (BITC) Responsible Business Awards in Northern Ireland are a celebration of Northern Ireland’s most inspirational and impactful responsible businesses.
What is Branding? And Should Small Businesses Care?

If you spend any time in marketing circles or reading about marketing, you will bump into the word “branding”. Branding is one of those concepts that is a bit vague, at least for the non-marketer small business owner.
DAERA Encourages Eligible Groups to Apply For Smart Towns and Villages Funding Under New PEACEPLUS Programme

The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is encouraging eligible organisations in Northern Ireland to apply to the new €30million Smart Towns and Villages investment area, under the PEACEPLUS programme.
The Border Target Operating Model: Prepare for Changes From 31 January

In August 2023, the government published the final version of the Border Target Operating Model which confirmed that from 31 January 2024, some goods will face full customs controls when moved directly from Irish ports to Great Britain.
Innovate UK Smart Grants: January 2024

Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, is investing up to £25 million in game-changing and commercially viable R&D innovations
Environment Fund – Water Quality Improvement Strand 2024/25

This is a grant competition for not-for-profit organisations and councils, funding projects to deliver water quality improvements, help connect people with the water environment and bring about behaviour change.