Business Profile: Spa By The Sperrins

Name: Darren Teague
Company: Spa by the Sperrins
Address: 43 Knockmoyle Road, Omagh, BT79 7TB
Contact details: 028 8225 9970

Business Profile: Spa By The Sperrins

Can you describe your business?

Spa by the Sperrins is an Intimate day spa nestled in the Sperrin’s mountains. It is a haven of peace and tranquillity, offering an extensive range of beauty & holistic treatments with packages to suit everyone’s needs.

Why did you start your own business?

I already owned a gym business and wished to expand our facilities. I wanted to reach out to a different type of audience by adding something new and exciting to our home town of Omagh.

What are the best things about running your own business?

The feeling of satisfaction knowing that you have been able to provide something new to the community for people to enjoy and benefit from.

What are the main challenges facing the business? 

For me, working in a new type of business with very little experience, taking advice on board and learning fast to make sure that all is in place to run it to the best of my ability. I’m lucky to have brought in experienced staff so they are easing the stress on getting the business up and running.

What advice would you give to someone starting a business? 

Don’t be afraid to take a chance if it is something you feel strongly about, but be calculated make sure it’s realistic. Also, hard work is the key to any success. Stay positive and don’t be afraid to reach out for help of others in a similar industry. There are good people out there willing to help.

Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less? 

Rewarding, challenging and sacrifices.