Eat Less, Move More And Be Mindful

You don’t have to be an expert to know that small changes in lifestyle can lead to a healthier life. Research used to suggest that lots of exercise was good but now argues that less is better. Simple changes like eating less, moving more and being mindful of what you do are heralded in the battle for a longer life.

Eat less v Eat a little less

Eating less seems an obvious solution to the challenge of living longer, as obesity looms as the most serious issue facing health services around the world.

But the nuance of eating a little less might offer a better approach to such a growing problem, as it is a more attainable goal for millions of people.

Eating less has connotations of self-discipline and the hardship of harnessing willpower alone to overcome indulgence in everyday delights.

But eating a little less is simply less of a chore and a more manageable way to reduce the amount we eat.

Eating less encourages us to follow diets, regardless of whether they suit our physical or psychological make-up.

But eating a little less allows us to choose what we eat and simply eat less of it.

Exercise v A little movement

Spending hours in the gym or engaging in other types of exercise for long periods of time is out of favour, as it is believed to be less beneficial than previously thought.

Light exercise or even gentle movement on a regular basis is now considered to be enough to boost health and the promise of a longer life.

The secret, it seems, is to avoid sitting down for long periods, as sitting is now understood to be one of the greatest harbingers of illness and death.

You can exercise to excess but if it is negated by long periods of down time the lack of movement will trump the exercise and very likely send you to an early grave.

The good news, however, is that even modest amounts of movement practiced on a regular basis help improve health and increase longevity.

Mindless v Mindful

Researchers believe that our state of mind affects our physical wellbeing, as stress and anxiety trigger the release of harmful hormones.

Negative views about how we feel can damage our health, as the links between mindset and illness are confirmed and deep-rooted.

Shifting from a negative to a positive state of mind can help build greater levels of resilience to combat trauma and the dangers of despair.

Mindfulness means being aware of how you think and feel in the moment and is proffered as a way to manage the anger and stress we experience.

The practice of living in the moment is seen as a way to be mindful, as is regular meditation for those with more time friendly schedules.

SO, if we eat a little less, move a little more and are mindful of what we do we will live longer and healthier lives. Sounds simple!