Young Enterprise Students To Star At Christmas Market

Young Enterprise students from Omagh will be kicking off the Christmas shopping season at Main Street on Thursday December 11 from 9am-2pm.

The Trade Fair event will see four companies started by young people from Christian Brothers Grammar School, Sacred Heart College, Loreto Grammar School and Omagh Academy showcase their products and offer Christmas shoppers something different from the traditional retailers.

Students with learning difficulties from Arvalee School will also be taking part along with adults from The Firs Residential Home in Ballygawley who also work with Young Enterprise.

Young Enterprise chief executive, Carol Fitzsimons, commented, “We would like to invite all the friends and relatives of these exciting young entrepreneurs come along and support their local Young Enterprise companies.”

Visit to see how you can get involved with Young Enterprise, empowering young people with the skills and confidence to succeed in life and work.

Young Enterprise NI is part funded by the Department of Education.
