Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Office Space

In the insanely competitive world of today, most of us end up spending far too many hours in the workplace. Many of these jobs are of a sedentary nature with most people pouring over their PC’s for hours on end. This increasingly sedentary lifestyle has begun affecting the wellness and health of employees in numerous organizations. This also ends up affecting overall productivity in the workplace. With so much at stake, it is time to consider the key role that ergonomics plays in the designing of office work places.

Here are 5 tips to help you improve your office space:

Tip #1: Use Ergonomically Designed Chairs to Prevent Back Problems

The design and the height of the chairs can have a tremendous impact on seating comfort and the onset of back pain. Chairs that have seat pans with a slightly downward tilt are always preferable. This design provides sufficient lumbar support and helps in relieving any pressure on the spine. The backs of the chairs should permit the knees to clear the front of the seat. A correct seat height is said to be achieved when the feet lie flat on the floor and the hips are at the same level as the knees.

Tip #2: Adjust Monitor Settings to Prevent Eye Strain

The computer screen should be arranged in such a manner that your eyes are not strained. The contrast adjustment should be appropriate and the colour adjustment should be right as well. The monitor display settings should be set correctly and font sizes increased.

Tip #3: Place Keyboard & Mouse Correctly to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Excessive computer usage can eventually lead to several conditions including inflammation in the fingers or wrists. This is primarily caused due to the repetitive actions that are involved in computer usage and improper posture. This is known as the carpal syndrome and it can easily turn into a chronic condition. It can be avoided to a large extent by ensuring the keyboards are placed properly at workstations. Ideally, a keyboard should be at a slight slant and on the same level as the users’ elbows. The mouse should ideally have a wrist pad. This will help in providing the users’ wrist with proper support.

Tip #4: Keep Workstations Spacious to Boost Productivity

All workstations should be spacious. Unfortunately, this can often be challenging as office space is almost always at a premium. The one way to work around smaller spaces is to buy smaller and lighter furniture. If possible, opt for customized furniture. Sitting all day in a small, tight space can make an employee feel cramped and suffocated and is not conducive to productivity.

Tip #5: Use Proper Lighting to Avoid Unnecessary Eye Strain

This is one factor that many offices tend to overlook. It is important that the sources of light should not point straight into the eyes of the employee. Partially concealed, bright lighting is a good way to work around the lighting issue. In addition, every workstation can have individual lighting that is fitted under the wall unit. The light should be behind the computer monitor.

These are the basics of office ergonomics though there are several other factors that also come into play here. It might not always be feasible to incorporate every single pointer into every office space as there will always be space and design constraints. However, working around some simple basic rules will go a long way in making offices more employee-friendly.
