Harnessing Creativity PR Masterclass

Joanne Sweeney-Burke of Media Box will be delivering PR Master Classes for Harnessing Creativity on Wednesday January 22nd at Omagh Enterprise.



Masterclass Content Masterclass 1: will run from 10am – 1pm

  1. Know your niche & stay informed
  2. What’s the Story?
  3. Newsmaker – the 3 ways
  4. The Press Release – Traditional & Online
  5. Media Databasing & Distribution

Masterclass 2: – will run from 2.00pm to 4.30pm

  1. Media Relations – The Rules of Engagement
  2. Preparing your story for online outreach
  3. Measuring story success
  4. Case study
  5. Defining Your Strategy


Harnessing Creativity PR Masterclass

Contact Jill Strong to register your attendance on the Masterclass at jill.stronge@omaghenterprise.co.uk or 028 8224 9494.