Minister Confirms 260 New Jobs For Tyrone

The US multinational Terex Corporation expect to create 260 new skilled jobs in Tyrone thanks to investment of almost £22 million that was officially announced this morning.

The New York Stock Exchange listed company operating in Northern Ireland as Terex GB Ltd manufacturers a range of mobile materials processing equipment under the Powerscreen and Terex Finlay brands in factories in Omagh and Dungannon.

Delivering the good news in Omagh this morning (Thursday) Department for Enterprise Trade and Investment minister, Arlene Foster, said, “Today’s announcement of around 260 new jobs at Terex GB comes on the back of yesterday’s news that 40 skilled jobs are being created in Omagh (at Telestack).

Over 300 new jobs is extremely positive news for Tyrone and will not only benefit the local area, but also contribute positively towards the wider Northern Ireland economy.”

The jobs at Terex GB will be created over the next four years receiving £2.6 million support from Invest NI. The project includes capital investment of £19.2 million in buildings and equipment and will deliver at least £5.5 million jobs in wages and salaries annually.

The minister continued, “Terex GB is one of Northern Irelands top engineering companies and this decision to expand is a boost for Northern Ireland’s vibrant materials handling sector. It also acknowledges the value which Terex Corporation places n the skilled and educated workforce available here.

“As well as providing skilled employment opportunities in the local area, there is also the potential this investment will create further skilled jobs in the direct manufacturing supply chain.”


Terex GB Ltd comprises the former Powerscreen International Ltd in Dungannon and Finlay Hydrascreens Ltd in Omagh. Together they manufactured and sold almost £300 million of product outside Northern Ireland in 2012.

Together with the 1,100 full time workers at Terex factories in Omagh and Dungannon, the business directly supports several hundred additional manufacturing jobs in Northern Ireland through its extensive local supply chain.

In addition to the construction of new factory space and purchase of new equipment Terex will continue to invest in research and development to support its growth plans and new business initiatives.

Kieran Hegarty, president of Terex Materials Processing, said, “This significant reinvestment in Northern Ireland marks an exciting chapter in Terex Corporation’s 13 year history in County Tyrone and will be a major step in our long term growth plans. We expect our turnover to increase further over the coming years and we will need to expand our factory space and workforce to cope with projected demand.

“The assistance offered by Invest NI has been instrumental in our decision to expand here and this project will help to strengthen Northern Ireland’s position as a centre of excellence for mobile crushing and screening, from design through to manufacture and to global sales.

“Our talented and committed workforce has already made a valued contribution to our success to date, and we are confident the local workforce will continue to help drive our company’s growth in global markets.”
