Search for top local businesses

(sponsored by Omagh Enterprise)

This award is open to all businesses that have started within the last 2 years. The winner will have displayed a strategic approach to business, successful implementation of a business strategy and will have good prospects for the future.

Applicants will be assed on the following criteria:
• Key business objectives
• Business growth
• Competitive edge
• Future prospects

The following specific questions will need to be sufficiently answered:
– A brief description of your business, the products or services it supplies, its customers and the markets that it operates in;
– Outline your key business objectives since the opening of your business and the steps you have taken to achieve these objectives;
– Demonstrate and detail your business growth since starting;
– What do you think gives you a competitive edge over your competitors?
– What are your objectives for your business over the next 12 months and how will they be achieved?

-Retailer of the Year Award
(sponsored by Omagh District Council)
Excellence in Customer Service Award
(sponsored by First Trust Bank)
Excellence in Business Practice Award
(sponsored by Abac Chartered Accountants)
The Green Award
(sponsored by BioG Ireland)
Excellence through Marketing Award
(sponsored by Creative Media)
Growth Through Export Award
(sponsored by Invest Northern Ireland)
Business Person of the Year Award
(UH and Omagh Chamber of Commerce)