TV3 Apprentice Star delivers seminar at Omagh Enterprise

To celebrate European Enterprise Week 2011, Omagh Enterprise Company hosted a number of seminars on topics of significant importance to businesses throughout the local area.

The seminars were delivered through the Innovation Enterprise Initiative, a cross-border EU Funded programme which will further advance the economic links between Omagh, Leitrim, and the wider cross-border ICBAN region and beyond. It is led by Omagh District Council, in partnership with Omagh Enterprise Company, Leitrim County Council and Leitrim Enterprise Body and has been developed by the Irish Central Border Area Network (ICBAN) Ltd through their Multi Annual Plan.

The seminars were delivered by a number of keynote speakers from different business backgrounds including Sean McDermott Loughtec, Ann Rodgers Infinite Solutions, Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 and Proprietor of ShredBank Phillip Bain and TV3The Apprentice” contestant and Proprietor of Media Box Joanne-Sweeney-Burke.

Topics covered included Catalyzing Innovation, Growing your business during a recession, Cloud Computing and Why Social Media?

Innovation Officer Sharon Tracey-Collins commented on the seminars: “We were delighted with the number of business owners from Tyrone and further afield who attended the workshops. Each workshop provided attendees with information, advice and guidance on key areas that all businesses need to address in order to survive through the current economic times.

In preparation for Enterprise Week 2011, which takes place in November we have organised a number of workshops which will focus on important issues facing businesses today. We would like to invite all business owners or a representative of their staff to our upcoming events – for further information on these events please contact Sharon on 028 82 249494 or via email at