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Webinars to Highlight Introduction of New Fire Regulations

A person holding a red fire extinguisher with a blue banner below. The banner reads, Webinars to Highlight Introduction of New Fire Regulations, and includes the Omagh Enterprise logo.

Local building regulations are being updated to improve fire safety standards, particularly for residential buildings and houses. The new requirements include provision of fire safety information for most types of premises undergoing building work. They also introduce evacuation alert systems, secure information boxes, wayfinding signage and appropriate fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers, in new […]

Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week 2025: Getting It Right For You

Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week 2025: Getting It Right For You Pictured with Economy Minister Conor Murphy at Southern Regional College, Banbridge, are Clodagh Palmer, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist at Banbridge company Alternative Heat; Niall McCartan, year 2 higher level apprentice at Southern Regional College, on work placement with Alternative Heat; Denise Cornett, Training and Apprenticeship Manager, Southern Regional College; and Lee Campbell, Principal and Chief Executive, Southern Regional College.

Economy Minister Conor Murphy has launched Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week 2025. Led by the Department for the Economy, the week-long programme of apprenticeship events runs from 3-7 February 2025. NI Apprenticeship Week seeks to raise the profile of apprenticeships and promote participation in apprenticeship provision across all levels and vocations. This year the theme of […]

Digi-Hub Update December 2024

Mary Mac Rory, Julie McCausland and Sharon Tracey-Collins are wearing blue hard hats and yellow safety vests stand smiling in front of a door labeled Meeting Room. The image has text saying Digi-Hub Update December 2024 and Omagh Enterprise.

The construction of the Digi-Hub will create new space and support small businesses in Omagh town centre.  The project is progressing well and remains on track for completion in early 2025.   Roof and windows are now installed with M&E installation, partitioning and general interior works progressing at speed.  To register your interest contact

UK Launches Major Copyright and AI Consultation

A finger points to a glowing copyright symbol on a digital screen filled with tech patterns. A UK government and Omagh Enterprise logo are in the corner. Blue text reads: UK Launches Major Copyright and AI Consultation.

The UK government has launched a consultation on how copyright law applies to artificial intelligence (AI) The consultation aims to provide clarity for both the creative industries and the AI sector, ensuring that UK copyright law supports growth and innovation across both areas. The consultation focuses on three key objectives: building trust and transparency by […]

Construction Industry Safety Reboot 2025

Five people holding a hexagon-shaped sign with a construction safety symbol and #SafetyReboot text. A banner at the bottom reads Construction Industry Safety Reboot 2025 with CEF and Omagh Enterprise logos.

Construction businesses asked to take breaks in January to focus on key areas of health and safety. The Construction Eployers Federation (CE) has released resources for Safety Reboot 2025, the month long health and safety initiative taking place throughout January. The initiative aims to encourage construction businesses across Northern Ireland to stop work for about […]

Call For Women Entrepreneurs to Share Their Insights

Woman stands in front of a wall with colorful business-related doodles, highlighting a call for women entrepreneurs to share insights. Logos for Invest Northern Ireland and Omagh Enterprise are visible.

Help shape future support for women-led businesses Women business owners across the island of Ireland are being asked to take part in a new study to help improve support for women-led businesses. The study is being carried out by InterTradeIreland, Enterprise Ireland, and Invest Northern Ireland as part of the Shared Island Enterprise Scheme. The […]

New Product Safety Rules for Northern Ireland from 13 December 2024

A hand holds a smartphone displaying a map with two location pins. A banner reads, New Product Safety Rules for Northern Ireland from 13 December 2024, with logos for and Omagh Enterprise.

Changes to general product safety rules in Northern Ireland From 13 December 2024, new general product safety rules will take effect in Northern Ireland. These changes align with the EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) and aim to ensure the safety of products available to consumers. Who will the changes affect? The changes will apply […]

New Guidance on Ransomware-Resistant Backups

A woman looking at a computer screen displaying a ransomware message. Text at the bottom reads: "New Guidance on Ransomware-Resistant Backups," with the Omagh Enterprise logo.

Protect backup data from ransomware attacks The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has published new guidance on protecting backup data from ransomware attacks. The principles set out the features that backup systems should have to resist destruction by ransomware. Backup data is essential for recovery after a ransomware attack. There are two main backup methods: […]

Archibald Sets Out Roadmap For Rates

Finance Minister, Dr Caoimhe Archibald in a maroon blazer stands outside with a scenic view of trees and hills in the background from Stormont. A banner reads Archibald Sets Out Roadmap For Rates with the Omagh Enterprise logo visible.

Finance Minister, Dr Caoimhe Archibald has today set out a strategic roadmap for the local rating system. Updating MLAs in the Assembly the Minister outlined her plans which include: Undertaking a comprehensive Strategic Review Cycle of all rates support provided within the system, initially prioritising the policies of Small Business Rate Relief Scheme and Non-Domestic […]

Comply With Windsor Framework Arrangements For Medicines From January 2025

A lab technician wearing blue gloves pouring liquid into a flask in a laboratory. Text overlay: Comply With Windsor Framework Arrangements For Medicines From January 2025. Omagh Enterprise logo on the bottom right.

Prepare for new packaging and labelling measures The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is reminding remaining marketing authorisation holders to ensure they are prepared for the new packaging and labelling measures. The vast majority of companies have already submitted updated artwork to ensure compliance with the new arrangements for medicines following the Windsor […]

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