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Rate Bills Due To Issue By End of The Week

Rate Bills Due To Issue By End of The Week

Rate bills will start to arrive with homes and businesses as bills are issued on the 05 April 2024

The bill will set out the amount due for 2024/25, details of any rate relief which has been applied to your account and also any arrears from previous years that have not been paid.

A wide range of rate reliefs and entitlements are available, including support for those in receipt of Universal Credit through the Rate Rebate Scheme and a discount for pensioners who live on their own.

Land & Property Services (LPS) encourages anyone having difficulty paying rates to contact them for advice on the range of support available. Full details can be found on the NI Direct website.

There are a number of ways to pay your rate bill.  The most convenient ways are:

Domestic ratepayers can receive 4% discount if they pay their 2024/25 rates in full on or before 10 May 2024.

Businesses may also be able to access a range of rate support schemes.  More details can be found on nibusinessinfo website

If you think the information on your bill is not correct, or if you have not received a bill, please contact LPS.

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