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DAERA Minister Delighted to Announce The Opening of 2024 Single Application

DAERA Minister Delighted to Announce The Opening of 2024 Single Application

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affair’s Minister, Andrew Muir, has announced that the £267million Single Application and Map Service and the Entitlements Transfer Service are open from today, 1 March 2024.

Funding is available to farm businesses for Direct Payments this year and these payments represent the main source of income for many local farmers.

Minister Muir said: “I am delighted to announce that the 2024 Single Application and Maps Service and the Entitlements Transfer Service are now open. This is a substantial funding package worth £267m. The payments help ensure the resilience of farm businesses and represents our commitment to farming families and the rural economy right across Northern Ireland.”

The Minister added: “I would urge all farmers to apply early in order to avoid any penalties.”

Applications to the 2024 Single Application and Maps Service, and Entitlements Transfer Service can be made via DAERA’s Online Services from 1 March. Single Applications must be submitted by Wednesday 15 May, to avoid late claim penalties. The last date to submit Single Applications is Monday 10 June. Entitlement Transfer applications must be submitted by Thursday 2 May.

The Single Application is the method for claiming any of the following schemes:

  • Basic Payment Scheme (BPS);
  • Young Farmers’ Payment (YFP);
  • Regional Reserve Entitlement allocation or top up (as a Young Farmer or New Entrant);
  • Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS);
  • Farm Woodland Premium Scheme (FWPS);
  • Farm Woodland Scheme (FWS);
  • Forest Expansion Scheme (Annual Premia);
  • Small Woodland Grant Scheme (SWGS); or
  • Protein Crop Scheme.

Farmers should also use the Single Application and Map Service to notify DAERA of any changes to their land in 2024. This should be done as early as possible to avoid delays in payment.

If farmers require help or guidance with an application, they should call DAERA’s Advisory Service helpline on 0300 200 7848 or email In addition to these Services there is a convenient web-chat facility within the application for instant advice when applying.

Applications to the 2024 Single Application and Maps Service, and Entitlements Transfer Service will continue to receive DAERA Messaging to confirm the Single Application and Entitlement transferor submission is complete. This service is secure, convenient, and environmentally friendly.

Farmers are urged to regularly check their emails for communications from DAERA Area-based Schemes. All farmers are encouraged to ensure the e-mail address held for them is up to date. Registration for a DAERA online account can be accessed on the DAERA website.

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