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JobStart Information Session For Employers

JobStart Information Session For Employers

Online event to provide employers with information on how the JobStart scheme can benefit their business.

The JobStart scheme provides employers with the opportunity to employ a young person (16 to 24 years old) for 6-9 months. The scheme will cover salary costs (25 hours per week) offering paid job opportunities for 6 or 9 months to eligible young people who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

JobStart information session

The Department for Communities (DfC) will be providing an overview of the JobStart scheme at an online information session.

Date: Tuesday 16 January 2024
Time: 2pm to 3pm
Cost: Free

What will I find out?

At this session, you will:

  • hear about the previous JobStart scheme, employer experiences, and outcomes achieved;
  • find out about the new JobStart Scheme including:
    • how to get involved
    • when you need to register to access this scheme
    • how the scheme works
    • benefits for your business and those on the scheme
    • supports available through the scheme to you as an employer
    • find out about the Work Experience Programme and how it could help your business
    • questions and answers

Register to attend this event.


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