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Start a Business

We make starting a business easy

Starting a business can feel a little scary. When you haven’t done it before, you may feel like there are just too many obstacles, things to learn and problems to overcome before it can become a reality for you. That’s where Omagh Enterprise Company steps in. We’re here to bring you clarity, wisdom and actionable steps that guide you on the path to success.
Start a Business

Starting a Business Dosen't Have to be Difficult

At Omagh Enterprise, we believe there’s only one thing standing between you and your business success, and that’s action.

By contacting our team, you can gain clarity on where to begin, what your options are and how to move forwards towards the creation of your own business.

We work with you from the ideas stage right through to launch. Why? Because we know first-hand that business is much easier navigated with a mentor that has walked the same path.

So whether you just want to have a chat, receive some guidance, join a programme or get stuck right in, we’re here to help.

Start a Business

So what can we do for you?

FREE Advice

You’re welcome to give us a call or meet with us at the centre for some free advice to help you on your way. There’s no limit when it comes to receiving guidance and our team is more than happy to answer your questions, signpost you to the relevant services and help you get your idea on its feet. 

We’re a community asset that is here for you to avail of. Don’t be afraid to get in touch.

Support Programmes

At Omagh Enterprise, we’re proud to offer our community a number of useful development programmes that will educate you on enterprise, help you further develop your ideas and get you business-ready at speed.

We know how difficult it can be to have to try work things out on your own and that’s why every programme is designed with your success in mind.

We’re supporting you with over 35 years of experience.

Assigned Business Advisor

Having a mentor and advisor can bridge the gap between the idea in your head and making it a reality.

Our advisors are highly trained experts that know the right paths to take and the best choices to make. They’ll work closely with you to understand your goals, guide you on the right road to success and introduce you to other methods, organisations and individuals that might benefit you on your journey.

Collaboration can fast track you to where you want to go.

There are business support programmes that offers advice and guidance to people who have an idea for a new business and need help turning it into a reality, for people who have recently started their own business or those who have an existing business and want to grow and scale it.

Anyone with a business idea, from those in the very early stages of planning to those who are already in operation but need some additional assistance.

  • Business plan development: Help with writing a business plan, a crucial document outlining your business concept, goals, and strategies.
  • Legal and regulatory guidance: Assistance with understanding and complying with legal and regulatory requirements for starting a business.
  • Financial planning: Help with creating financial projections, securing funding, and managing your business finances.
  • Marketing and sales assistance: Advice on developing a marketing plan, creating a brand identity, and reaching your target market.
  • Networking opportunities: Events and programs that connect you with other entrepreneurs, potential investors, and industry experts.
  • Loan fund: Funding can be provided for a range of purposes including Working Capital, Asset Purchases, Growth Finance, Start-Up Costs, and Match Funding

Omagh Enterprise offers a free service to clients on business support programmes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on our Business Support services. If you have any other questions please contact us.

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