The Department of Finance has published a report on responses received to the consultation on the removal of rates support measures for businesses and households.

The consultation directed by the Secretary of State, ran between November 2023 and February 2024.
It sought views on four non-domestic rating support schemes including non-domestic vacant property relief, industrial derating, freight transport relief and the exemption from rates for student halls of residence. Views were also sought on the removal of three domestic rate allowances including the early payment discount, the maximum capital value cap and the landlords’ allowance.
Speaking following publication of the report, Minister Archibald said: “Over 1,400 responses were received from ratepayers, businesses and a range of other stakeholders. My Department also undertook a series of public meetings as part of this process. I thank everyone who contributed to the process with their thoughts, ideas and experience.
“Even before I was Finance Minister, I was aware of the level of interest and apprehension around some of these proposals. It was for that reason I wanted to ensure I took the time with my officials to carefully examine all the views from those who responded.
“The consultation directed by the then Secretary of State was limited in nature looking simply at whether support should be removed or retained. Having met with ratepayers and business organisations over recent months I understand these complex issues require careful handling.”
Concluding the Minister said: “Rates are an important source of funding in supporting public services bringing in some £1.5 billion of revenue each year. I will be bringing forward short, medium and long-term rating policy proposals including a more strategic longer-term policy approach in the coming weeks.
“I will be engaging with Executive colleagues on the next steps and will continue my engagement with business bodies, organisations and wider society to work together to build a progressive rates system which grows our tax base and stimulates our economy.”