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Sustainable Finance Innovation Fund

A dark blue background. An array of red icons to the right of screen, showing various of cyber security images. Paler blue banner along the bottom, with white text. "Sustainable Finance Innovation Fund" Omagh Enterprise logo within the blue banner.

Funding opportunity for fintech and spacetech SMEs

UK-based fintech and spacetech SMEs can apply for up to £20,000 in support from the Sustainable Finance Innovation Fund. This funding is aimed at businesses developing satellite data services for the financial sector.

The fund, offered by the Satellite Applications Catapult, provides expert help in areas like:

  • geospatial insights
  • evaluating technical needs
  • building proof of concepts

This can help businesses speed up their product development and bring their services to market faster.


This scheme is open to any UK-registered SME that:

  • is working on new technology in fintech or spacetech
  • is developing solutions for agriculture or environmental monitoring in the sustainable finance sector
  • can show how the fund’s technical expertise will help their project
  • can complete the project by 31 November 2024

Up to five businesses will be awarded the funding. There is no need to for applicants to provide any matching funds.

The deadline for applications is 31 August 2024, or until all funds are allocated.

Find out more about the Sustainable Finance Innovation Fund.

To apply, submit your business plan for review. For more details, contact

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