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Get a Free Export Health Check For Your Business

A stylised laptop, with a red heart shape, with monitoring device on top. A heart beat symbol on top. Blue banner with white text. "Get a Free Export Health Check For Your Business" Omagh Enterprise logo on banner.

Complete the Export Health Check tool to assess your existing exporting capability

The Invest Northern Ireland Export Health Check tool is designed to assess your existing exporting capability.

By answering a few short questions you will receive a tailored guide that will give you the tools to develop your own bespoke export strategy.

The tool will help you understand the importance of export and to quickly assess how prepared your business is to undertake export activities, whether you are exporting for the first time, or looking for a new export market.

It consists of 15 questions and takes under five minutes to complete. A tailored report is then sent to you, detailing your journey, next steps, practical tips, templates, and support available.

When you have answered the questions, you will be emailed a tailored report that will:

  • tell you where you are in your export journey
  • tell you what your next steps should be
  • give you practical tips and templates
  • signpost you to what support is available

Complete the Export Health Check tool.

After completing the Export Health Check you can also request a free consultation with an Invest NI Advisor who can advise you on exporting programmes and support most suitable for your business.

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