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Farm Safety Week 2024

A close up for yellow safety hat, goggles and boots. Blue banner along the bottom, with white text. "Farm Safety Week 2024" Omagh Enterprise logo within blue banner.

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland is aiming to reset the way farmers approach farm safety and risk-taking

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) is supporting the Farm Safety Foundation during Farm Safety Week, which is running from Monday 22 July to Friday 26 July 2024.

HSENI, as a member of the Farm Safety Partnership, is giving its full support to the Farm Safety Foundation in its efforts to reset the way farmers approach farm safety and risk-taking.

This year’s Farm Safety Foundation’s objectives are:

  1. To drive improvements in the health and wellbeing of those living and working in the sector.
  2. To encourage those living and working in farming to take concrete actions to improve their attitudes to farming safely in the UK and Ireland.
  3. To highlight, not only the excessive numbers suffering fatal injuries and accidents on UK and Ireland farms but the dangers of ignoring near misses at work.
  4. To signpost farmers and farm workers to the resources available to help improve farm safety.
  5. To shine a light on Farm Safety Heroes working to drive a positive change in the industry.

Find out more about the Farm Safety Partnership

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