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Survey | Tourism Enterprise Development Programme

Scenic view looking over the Giant's Causeway, into the North Sea. Blue banner along the bottom. White text "Survey | Tourism Enterprise Development Programme" Omagh Enterprise logo within blue banner

Give your feedback on Tourism Northern Ireland’s Tourism Enterprise Development (TED) Programme events and webinars.

During 2023-24, Tourism NI delivered a range of business support, toolkits, practical tips, and advice through the TED Programme. Expert speakers focused on key tourism and hospitality themes including people, sustainability, operations, digital capability, and sales and marketing.

Have your say

Whether or not you’ve attended any TED events or webinars in the past year, Tourism NI would appreciate if you could spare a few minutes of your time to complete the TED evaluation survey. This is your opportunity to let Tourism NI know:

  • what you found insightful and would like to see more of
  • what wasn’t so relevant for you/your business
  • what additional areas you may wish to see covered in future

The deadline for responses is 5pm on Wednesday 24 July 2024.

Complete the TED Programme survey

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