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Individual Artists Digital Evolution Awards

3 people standing round a MAC computer, with another person in the background. The 3 people are admiring a digital art rendition of abstract blue art on the monitor. Blue banner across the bottom. White text - "Individual Artists Digital Evolution Awards" Omagh Enterprise logo within the banner.

Artists can apply for grants of up to £10,000

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Future Screens NI have opened for applications their Individual Artists Digital Evolution Awards.

These awards are designed to:

  • upskill artists in the use of new, emerging and immersive technology
  • lead to the creation of excellent digital art
  • encourage cross-sector collaboration

The maximum award value is £10,000.

Within the context of this programme, digital art is defined as artwork created exclusively in the digital space. This art can exist purely online or be transformed into physical objects or experiences through technological means.

Importantly, the programme does not cover the simple digitisation of art or performance. It must relate to the development of your artistic practice and digital capability.

Eligibility criteria

The programme is open to:

  • individual artists from all disciplines and working practices
  • artists employed by statutory bodies, including universities, provided their projects are independent of their employment or academic studies
  • partnership projects with creative industry freelancers or organisations, led by an individual artist

Applicants must:

  • be residents of Northern Ireland
  • be aged 18 or older and not currently in secondary education
  • have contributed significantly to the NI art scene for at least one year within the last five years

Eligible projects

This scheme can support various types of projects, including but not limited to:

  • creating virtual or augmented reality environments
  • using 3D rendering and printing technology for digital or physical art
  • translating data into artistic content via algorithms
  • developing apps for artistic experiences, excluding streamed performances

If in doubt about eligibility, prospective applicants can contact the Arts Council’s Creative Industries Officer to discuss their project concepts.

The deadline for applications is midday on Friday 28 June 2024.

Find out more about the Individual Artists Digital Evolution Awards

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