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If You Make or Import Batteries or Products Incorporating Them – DAERA Needs To Hear From You

If You Make or Import Batteries or Products Incorporating Them – DAERA Needs To Hear From You

A survey to learn more about how the new EU Batteries Regulation will impact on Northern Ireland traders has been launched by DAERA.

Businesses which manufacture, import or sell batteries, either on their own, or incorporated in products, are being invited to take part in the survey which runs until 5 December 2023.

DAERA will feed the results back to UKG so that it is fully aware of potential implications for NI businesses and consider the next steps.

The EU Batteries Regulation will apply from 18 February 2024 and will gradually introduce new rules to strengthen sustainability of batteries and waste batteries, protect the environment and human health and increase recycling.

The survey covers all types of batteries, including portable batteries and those contained in electrical devices, appliances, cars and in large machinery.

Businesses are encouraged to complete the survey.

The closing date for survey responses is 5 December 2023.

For more information on the regulations visit the EUR-Lex website.

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