Have Your Say on The Draft Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland

The Department for the Economy has launched a public consultation on a draft Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland which outlines a plan to increase the value of tourism.

The draft 10-year plan sets out a vision that seeks to establish Northern Ireland as a year-round world-class destination renowned for experiences, landscape, heritage and culture.

The strategy will help achieve the 10x Economic Vision to promote the region globally, make visitors feel welcome and improve citizens’ lives.

Key themes of the strategy

The strategy is based on five themes and seeks to strive for a new and ambitious growth path that is:

  • innovative and uses our creative skills
  • inclusive by bringing opportunities for all
  • sustainable for generations
  • attractive to visitors and investors
  • collaborative to deliver a shared vision

How to respond to the consultation

You can respond to this consultation using the online questionnaire or by email.

The deadline for responses to this consultation is 5pm on Friday 12 January 2024.

Further details and how to respond to this consultation on theĀ draft Tourism Strategy

Source: nibusinessinfo.co.uk