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Place10X – A Sub-Regional Economic Approach – Call For Evidence

Views sought on Place10X policy to ensure a collective approach to sub-regional economic initiatives.

The Department for the Economy (DfE) through its 10X economic vision plans to create a pathway to transform the Northern Ireland economy innovatively, inclusively, and sustainably at a regional level. This is a long-term plan where NI will become one of the top-performing small, advanced economies in the world.

The Department for the Economy (DfE) has launched a call for evidence on its developing ‘Place10X’ policy approach within the overall 10X Vision.

With 10X driving ambition at the regional NI level, and councils leading economic development at a local level in partnership with statutory partners such as Invest NI, there is a need to consider the sub-regional focus and how the three levels link together. This is where Place10X comes in, and your help is needed to develop this approach.

Place10X is summarised as “locally designed interventions to deliver innovative, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth; building on the existing strengths of a place to unlock potential, to empower communities, and to tackle sub-regional and local inequality.”

Place at its most general refers to three main components:

  • location – where it is on a map, for example, an area, city, town, or village
  • locale – the material social setting, for example, workplaces, shops, neighbourhoods, churches
  • a sense of a place – how we feel emotionally about a location or locale

Taken together it can be an idea of identity and belonging, both physically and culturally, and allows some to define the special quality of a place.

This call for evidence is to create a body of information that will inform policymakers and a future Minister in DfE of what central intervention and support is needed or wanted.

DfE is also looking for your thoughts on the best way to measure success. They would like you to share your thoughts on these so a collective approach can be co-produced for sub-regional economic initiatives.

Find out more about the call for evidence, download the consultation paper, and ways to respond


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