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Northern Ireland Food & Drink Conference 2023

New conference open to all sectors involved in the local supply chain getting food and drink from source to consumer.

On Wednesday 25 April 2023 the Northern Ireland Food & Drink Association (NIFDA) will be hosting the inaugural Northern Ireland Food and Drink conference. Held in partnership with the Department for Business and Trade, the Food Standards Agency and Invest Northern Ireland, the conference will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaw’s Bridge, Belfast.

The NI Food and Drink Conference is a brand-new conference open to anyone in the ‘eating ecosystem’ of farming, manufacturing, cold storage, distribution, packaging or retailing food and drink. Bringing together industry and government, the conference will be a valuable forum for engagement, collaboration and networking.

With specialist keynote speakers, engaging panellists and topical case studies, the conference will be a great networking opportunity to catch up with colleagues with a passion for NI food and drink. Sessions will include topics covering exporting, food standards, sustainability, consumer trends, automation and much more.

Book your place now at the Northern Ireland Food & Drink Conference 2023.


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