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DAERA Launches £500,000 Competition to Deal With Livestock Slurry

Can you deliver a sustainable utilisation of livestock slurry solution for Northern Ireland?

The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched a new Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition to find a sustainable utilisation of livestock slurry solution for Northern Ireland.

With funding from the Department for the Economy, DAERA will support up to five projects to look at practical and economically viable solutions where livestock slurry could be separated:

  • with minimal nitrogen and methane losses
  • ideally to produce feedstock
  • in a biosecure manner
  • for energy production

Nutrients remaining post energy production should also be suitably processed to replace artificial fertiliser for use in NI or for export to Great Britain, Ireland and beyond.

This competition has a total budget of £500,000 (excluding VAT) for SBRI Phase 1 work. It is anticipated that at least the five highest-scoring bidders will be selected. Each of the successful bidders will receive an amount in accordance with their bid, but subject to a maximum amount per bidder of £100,000 (exclusive of VAT, if chargeable).

Phase 1 is intended to demonstrate the technical feasibility of a proposed concept and its viability as a solution for DAERA. DAERA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to extend from Phase 1 with successful bidders as part of this pre-commercial procurement.

The closing date for this SBRI competition is 31 January 2023.

Find the full competition brief, FAQs and applicant notes on the SBRI NI website.

A virtual briefing event for potential applicants will take place at 10am on Tuesday 17 January 2023. This event will provide an overview of the SBRI programme in Northern Ireland, information about the project, and details of the application process

Register now to attend the event


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