Free Access To Finance Day For Businesses In Northern Ireland

With the difficult economic times we live in, more and more people are trying to access finance for their business, whether for assisting with product development or just to start out a new venture.

The common problem however faced by businesses at all stages of development is where to access that finance. That’s where the Access to Finance Day steps in.

This free event will showcase lots of financial lenders available to the business community in Northern Ireland, from traditional lenders such as the banks, to the new age ‘Dragons Den’ style lending from the HALO Business Angels team. This gives visitors a chance to talk to a wide range of lenders and see what options are available to them to assist their business.

Some of the providers who will be present on the day include:

Participants can register for the event in advance or just turn up on the day, where you will be more than welcome.

You can even see a cool video for the event here:

Please see the details below, including contact information. We look forward to seeing you there.

Date – 16 May 2014

Time – 10.00 – 13.00

LocationCity Business Hub, 28 – 30 Castle Lane, Belfast, BT1 5DB


Please contact Sarah Patterson on or 028 9032 9595

Alternatively visit the website