Harnessing Creativity – Branding, Marketing & Promotion with Colin McKeown

Date: Wednesday 4th February 2015
Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm (Registration & Networking- 9.30 am)
Venue: Omagh Enterprise Company, Great Northern Road, Omagh, BT78 5LU

This workshop will be delivered by Colin McKeown who has over 30 years’ experience in advertising, design and creative industries. If you have a business idea, work in the creative industries, the wider business sector or currently run your own creative business, this workshop will help you explore the application of design and creativity for business success. The session will highlight the importance of branding, design thinking and marketing.

How do I register?

Contact Aine O’Reilly on 028 8224 9494 or via email at aine.oreilly@omaghenterprise.co.uk to book your free place on these workshops.


Harnessing Creativity - Branding, Marketing & Promotion with Colin McKeown