Recruit, Retain and Motivate Your Committee

Thursday 26 June 2014
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
MACCA ECO Centre, Omagh

The Social Enterprise Omagh Programme is delivering a workshop focusing on how to develop organisations’ committees and boards.

The workshop is aimed at those currently working within the community/voluntary sectors, existing social enterprises as well as anyone looking to start up a new social enterprise business and has been designed to inspire groups on how to attract and recruit new committee members and
how to retain, motivate and develop existing committees.

This short workshop, to be facilitated by Supporting Communities NI, will cover topics such as:

  • Recruiting and retaining committee/board members
  • Effective committee skills
  • Promoting good governance and teamwork
  • Inspiring people to get involved….. What’s in it for them?
  • Motivating committee members
  • Attracting and developing the right skills

To register your interest please contact Louise Armstring at Alternatively telephone Omagh District Council on 028 8224 5321 (ext 654)